Fast-drying, butanone oxime-free mixture of natural oils, combined with alkyd resins refined with natural oils. Special innovative and non-labeled siccatives allow it to dry extremely fast for an oil. The carefully selected, aromatic-free solvents are also used in cosmetic products. The material is Decopaint-compliant and is characterized by excellent levelling, outstanding pore wetting and a pleasant look and feel. Depending on the application quantity, open-pored, breathable surfaces or very closed-pore surfaces can be created with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance. The rapid drying feature means significant savings in production time. Since the material undergoes forced drying, the finished surfaces are stackable after a few minutes or can undergo further processing. This product does not require the usual process of rubbing in and wiping off the excess. Our SPEEDCARE-OIL impresses clients with a uniform matt look together with good wood grain accentuation and transparency.
Fields of application
Suitable as a basecoat and top coat as well as for open-pore, breathable surfaces and closed-pore, lacquered surfaces with normal to heavy use. Also for stairs and handrails.
Technical specifications
Appearance | colourless |
Decopaint basis | LB |
Decopaint category | I |
Density series kg/l | 0.883 |
Flow time (+/- 15 %) | 40 s / DIN 53211 - 4 mm |
Form of delivery | fluid |
Non-volatile content series % | 43 |
Proportion of renewable raw materials % | 21.5 |
VOC EU % | 56.860001 % |
Number of coats (max) | 2 |
Amount per layer (minimum) | 40 g/m² |
Amount per layer (max) | 110 g/m² |
Total application volume | 220 g/m² |
Information on use
Drying | 2 h / 20 °C |
Stackable after | > 8 h / 20 °C |
Complete drying | 16 h / 20 °C |
Accessible after | 24 h / 20 °C |
Load bearing after | 7 d / 20 °C |
Surface preparation | Proper sanding of suitable surface. Clean, well-seasoned wood, free from oil, grease, wax and silicones. Sanded as prescribed and free from sanding dust. Sanding of the bare wood must match the desired application quantity. The lower the application quantity, the finer the sanding. Ensure uniformity of sanding across the surface and edges. The quality of sanding is decisive to the final surface. |
Substrate sanding grits from-to | 120 - 240 |
Lacquer sanding (grit) from - to | 320 - 400 |
Finishing | Once coated, there is no need for subsequent processing, polishing, etc. Timely, regular and professional cleaning and care of the oiled surface significantly increases its useful life. |
Comments on sanding | The raw-wood sanding must be adapted to the required application quantity; the lower the application quantity, the finer the sanding grit (up to grit 240 when buffing). Ensure that the edge sanding and surface sanding are even. The sanding quality is crucial in ensuring a good quality of the final coat! Recommended lacquer sanding: depending on application quantity, either with a fine sanding fleece or 320 - 400 grit with following de-dusting. |
Yield per coat | 8 - 22 m²/l The spreading rate is heavily dependent on the type of application. The specifications relate to a liter of ready-for-use product, if necessary including hardener and thinner. |
Working Temperature Range | 20 - 40 °C |
Storage temperature | 10 - 25 °C |
Working temperature | 20 °C |
conditions of transport | frost-free - up to a maximum of 35 °C |
Processing instructions | The desired application quantity of SPEEDCARE-OIL is sprayed on evenly. Sanding and wiping are unnecessary. For an oil, it dries very quickly and will harden after a short time. Stir carefully before use. Please observe the latest material safety data sheet! Skin may form due to the high reactivity. Please remove before agitating. Subsequently the material should be filtered as a precaution. The material dries with oxidation – please observe the general application instructions. |
Particular instructions | This product is configured to be ready-to-apply and does not need to be thinned. Stir well before use and potentially sieve the material to remove impurities when containers have been opened and resealed. The quality of the wood is one factor that can influence the results of an oiled surface. Please check the look and feel of the surface finish to be obtained by producing a trial surface under real conditions and test whether the resilience of the surface meets your requirements. In addition to the type of wood selected, the resistance of an oiled surface largely depends on the quantity of oil applied. Oiled surfaces must be cleaned in good time and regularly maintained and re-oiled as necessary, depending on the type and intensity of use. Due to the intrinsic odour of oiled surfaces, we recommend Hesse RESIT materials for use on the insides of cupboards and drawers. The special combination of raw materials may create significant fluctuations in the inherent colour in the container. However, this does not affect the quality of the product or the colour of the surface to be coated! The material was developed for spray application and dries incredibly quickly. It should only be applied with a brush or roller on smaller surfaces! It is better to use OE 5283-x(gloss level) to achieve surfaces with a natural look (flat finish). The product is not suitable for woods susceptible to blue stain in damp rooms. |
General instructions on workmanship | Materials with oxidative drying: a skin can form on the surface in containers, mainly opened containers. This should be removed prior to use. Low temperatures, increased ambient humidity, inadequate air exchange and wood contents that inhibit drying can extend the oil’s drying time. The risk of spontaneous combustion means that coating substances generating heat during drying (oxidative drying oils) and coating substances forming highly flammable deposits may not be applied in the same spray booth without further precautions (see BGR 500, section 3: Handling different coating substances). Cotton cloths, cardboard and paper saturated with oil pose a risk of spontaneous combustion due to heat accumulation. They should therefore be spread out in the air to dry before being disposed of. Even oil-saturated wood dust is prone to spontaneous combustion; as a precaution please do not dispose of it in sealed containers and, where possible, do not use the spray booth for sanding. The oil itself does not combust spontaneously. The necessary cleaning, care and refresh intervals should be matched to the number of layers of oil applied and the nature and intensity of use. The material properties have been tested on commonly available woods, such as oak, beech, etc. Resins in softwoods, coloured woods and exotic or unusual wood species can result in delayed drying and optical impairments. Please therefore check for suitability prior to use on such woods. Please also note that oils, like almost all natural materials, change colour over time under the influence of light and heat. Their colour can alter both under the influence of light (e.g. the sun’s UV rays, etc.) and due to light deprivation (yellowing at absence of light, e.g. beneath tablecloths, carpets, cabinets, etc.). This can become particularly apparent on brightly pigmented substrates. Oiled surfaces have a distinctive odour. This diminishes in a matter of days with progressive drying. |